Basic Principles of Landscape Designing For Residential Gardens

Landscape Designing

If you want a convincing garden that is neither finicky nor stilted, you must follow best practices for landscape design, according to Sydney-based professionals at Intreeg Landscapes. However, following the rules in a subjective field such as garden design may sound tempting. Years of experience and studies in the field reveal that professional as well as amateur landscape architects can create successful designs by following certain guidelines and best practices.

Here are some core principles for designing the Landscape of a pleasant garden:

1- Remember the principles of significant enclosure

The principle of significant enclosure states that to feel enclosed in an inhabited area, the vertical edge of the space must be at least one-third of the total horizontal length of that space. This principle can guide the design of enclosed patios, play areas, and extensive gardens. According to the rules, the best gardens must modulate the sense of enclosure as well as openness, irrespective of their size.

2- Use the Regulating line as a guide

The regulating line concept works on the idea that an imaginary line can be generated around any element of architecture or any distinctive landscaping feature. This rule can help in connecting and organizing the design. In this manner, the landscape results in an orderly and cohesive design.

A regulating line helps in fixing the fundamental geometry of any landscape. There are two important aspects related to the regulating line. One is the concept of underlying order. The other, the idea of being subjective. The regulating lines are often identified and manipulated by the architect to create a landscape. Using regulating line can differentiate a professional design from an amateur one.

3- Get the proportions right by using the golden rectangle

This rule helps in refining a design. The Golden Rectangle defines that the ratio between the short side and the long side is equivalent to the ratio between the long side and the sum of both sides. The Golden Rectangle ratio guides architects in designing terraces, arbors, patios, and lawns.

4- Follow the rules of THOMAS D. CHURCH while creating steps

The law states that twice the combined height of the riser and the tread must be equal to 26 inches. This rule implies that for a riser having a height of 5 inches, the height of the tread must be kept 16 inches.

5- Don’t underrate the size

When you have to decide between reducing or expanding a size, it is always advisable to go for the latter. This rule helps in scaling and the sculpting spaces.

Going by these basic principles, you can create beautiful landscape design with impressive landscape architectures!