landscape architects

Designing your New Yard

Landscapers who specialise in landscape design is becoming an extremely popular business. High quality landscape architects are becoming more and more sought after. If you are trying to design a new yard for your home, then you need to think about a lot of things, including what you are going to include, what your yard is going to be used for, and who is going to use it.

If possible, you should try and make your yard as environmentally friendly as possible. While your landscaper may be happy to help you do this, it is important to have your own opinions as well. Consider the following sustainability issues when you are designing your new yard and garden.

  1. Water use:

With drying climates and water shortages increasing throughout Australia, water use is an extremely important sustainability issue that must be considered when designing a new yard. There are a number of design features that you can implement to make your property more sustainable by reducing your water usage, including:

  • Implement some sort of water collection and storage system. The most common of these is obviously rainwater collection from roofs. This water can then be used to look after your garden.
  • Reduce sprinkler usage. Where you have to use sprinklers, make sure that they aren’t spraying water on the road or in other places where the water is being wasted.
  • Grow drought tolerant plants. Doing this will help make sure that you don’t have to water as often in summer, and that you will therefore save water.

2.Compatibility with native animals:

Unfortunately, the amount of habitat available for native animals is decreasing all the time. This is due to a number of factors, including things like land clearing and urban sprawl. If you want your garden to be truly sustainable, you should do whatever you can to make it a safe haven for native animals. Plant native plants, provide plenty of cover for them, and provide places for them to shelter or nest.

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