
Renovating Your Swimming Pool

If you have an old pool that’s seen better days, it could be time to start thinking about pool renovations. These aren’t always easy, but they are certainly more cost-effective than installing a brand new pool, especially if the main part of the pool is still there.

For us, it’s always best to speak with a professional pool builder and an experienced pool fencing installer to ensure you’re getting things right from the beginning. However, there’s no harm in thinking about things yourself ahead of time, which is why we’ve put together the following list of tips for renovating your pool.

1. Use a Natural Pool System

Traditionally, residential swimming pools have used chlorine to disinfect them and keep them clean. However, chlorine is a toxic chemical with known health effects, so it’s a good idea to avoid it where possible.

Because of this, natural pool systems using plants and/or salt water have dramatically increased in popularity over the past few years. Alongside being more eco and health-friendly, these systems tend to be more affordable to maintain as well!

2. Go for Retiling and Resurfacing for a Brand New Look

If you’re spending time and money renovating your pool, you may as well do it properly. With this in mind, we’d highly recommend both resurfacing and retiling your pool during the renovation process.

Basically, you should try to resurface everything below the waterline to ensure worn, potentially leaky areas are covered. Installing a surrounding entertaining area around the pool will elevate your design, including adding limestone or composite decking. Additionally, adding new tiles on and above the waterline will help bring your pool back to life and make it the envy of your friends and family for years to come!

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Shade Sail

Since no one wants to sit in the scorching sun with their coffee, many hospitality businesses these days talk to companies like Shade Sails Perth and add one of the many shade sails available to their outdoor area in order to provide a cool, shady place for customers. Of course, it’s not just the hospitality trade that can benefit from additional shade. Sails are increasingly being used in schools, child care places, parks, public swimming pools and anywhere people may gather out of doors.

It’s important for any business to only purchase top quality products, otherwise it reflects badly on them as a business. Just as you don’t want your shop front or interior to look shabby, so the outdoor area should always be kept spick and span with quality benches, steps and whatever else you need to put there, including sails.

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Timber Flooring

Renovators Welcome

We are a nation of DIYers and love our home renovations. Hardware stores, nurseries, furniture marts and timber flooring suppliers all stay open on weekends now to cater for the influx of renovators and home improvement enthusiasts walking through their doors.

It’s a fact that home renovation not only makes the home look better but it also does a lot of good for the resale value of your house. Some people like to add another room, others like to improve outside features. The idea, or objective, is to increase the liveable space in their homes. Weekends spent building gazebos, patios, carports or adding a games room are both satisfying and a pleasant way to spend your time.

The Inside Jobs

Many owners want to look after the interior aspects of their homes. If it looks great inside, then who cares what it looks like outside? Improving some of the interior features can be both expensive and some don’t require a huge amount of money. It’s debatable as to which costs more – outside jobs or inside jobs, albeit the overriding factor is what the actual planned project is.

It’s easier than you think to give your home a new look. Just change a particular feature and it can make a notable difference. One of the smartest things to do is to install a new floor or a kitchen renovation.

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Bathroom Makeover

If you want to add appeal to your home, look no further than your bathroom. It’s a luxury to consider the bathroom in your home as your personal retreat, a place in which you can sneak away after a hard day at work, and take a hot soak in the bath or a steaming hot shower. Bathrooms are not what they were 20 years ago. They have gone from functional rooms to almost a relaxing spa.

Setting a Budget

As much as we would love a great bathroom, the thought of the costs can be overwhelming. In reality, a bathroom renovation doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. As good as you think you are at being the ever-reliable handyman, or woman, you should look for a reputable plumber when it comes to water and gas pipe relocations or additions. That’s a sure way of making sure your new work conforms to state regulations.

The Bathroom Tiles

A quick way of updating your bathroom is by changing the tiles. Cheap tiles in a bathroom look…well…cheap. Boring and plain and no pattern to look attractive. The range of tiles now available for bathrooms means you can add a splash of colour. You can look at a YouTube video to see how this work is done and it does not have to be a major project.

Bathroom Cabinets and Fixtures

By replacing the old, weathered and water affected cabinets in the bathroom, you will give it a new lease of life. If replacing the cabinets is over the budget, then applying a new coat of paint will be a cheaper alternative.

Continue reading Bathroom Makeover – Small Budget – Big Results

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Designing Patios

There’s more to patio placement than just laying a large slab of concrete in front of your back or front door. It is imperative that you consider the exposure to the shade and sunlight, the size of your lawn, its landscape features, the views outside your house, and the activities that you may want to do on your patio.

When designing your outdoors with patios, the rule of thumb is that you should let form follow function. Functionality on how your patio space is actually used and maximized should be at the heart of its design. Here are some things up for your consideration when designing your patios:Patio Design

Make it all-in-one

It is important that you maximize your patio for various purposes – from dining to cooking, from weekend socials to hanging out with friends, from dozing off to sunbathing, among others. The fixtures on your all-in-one patio could be chosen in such a way to serve all these purposes and more.

Install lighting

You don’t have to sit on the dark while spending time in your patio during the evenings. Install some lighting to make sure you don’t bump into something while walking and to keep your things safer and more secure. The more light you have there, the less likely it is that burglars will try to break in and steal your goods. As a plus, you get to improve the ambience of your yard.

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Colorbond Roof

Roofing materials in Australia fall into one of two possibilities: you can have concrete roof tiles or corrugated metal roofing known as Colorbond. Your situation and preference will help you decide because both options keep the weather out. Some people even decide after being in their home and for whatever reason switch by reroofing from tiles to Colorbond.Colorbond RoofHere are a few factors to consider when you are deciding on the type of roofing you would like.


Colorbond is a further development of a concept that originated in Chicago and the local product has amazing resistance to corrosion and looks darn good too. You can buy it in many standard colours. The old corrugated galvanized roof would last 20 years, the Colorbond roof would last 50 years or longer.

Roofs and Warriors

You can always go for terracotta, another option. They last forever. Ask the folks in Xian, China. They are digging up the Terracotta Warriors who have been lying around for 2000 years. But looking at price, it’s almost double the cost of a concrete tile roof. No thanks.

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aluminium windows

When building оr renovating, реорlе оftеn соnѕіdеr the wіndоwѕ аnd dооrѕ lаѕt. That’s probably because they all look the same apart frоm thе ѕіzеѕ. Did you know that the windows and doors cover nearly hаlf of thе total ѕurfасе оf thе hоuѕе? Whеthеr you choose wооd, iron, соnсrеtе or aluminium windows аnd doors, thе right choice саn boost the vаluе of the hоuѕе, provide ample nаturаl lighting, enhance the dеѕіgn and give you a feeling of ѕрасе. Aраrt frоm thе design, there’s аlѕо thе issue оf the ease of use and their wоrkаbіlіtу. Thіѕ реrtаіnѕ to where уоur windows оr doors wіll bе lосаtеd, hоw they open, and whеthеr уоu need еnоugh vеntіlаtіоn or іf thе door оr wіndоw is juѕt there to ѕеrvе its рrіmаrу рurроѕе.

The Timber and Aluminium Comparison

The overriding factor and certainly a dіѕtіnсt еdgе to consider when you are сhооѕіng aluminium fоldіng dооrѕ over timber is that there is less maintenance оvеr thеіr еxресtеd lіfесусlе. Yоu wоn’t hаvе to wоrrу аbоut termites оr boring beetles eating holes іn уоur aluminium dооr оr wіndоw frаmеѕ.

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Plant Hire Companies

If you are in the construction business, would you buy all your own equipment or hire it as needed? If you outlay a large chunk of capital, then you will own the plant. Then you have maintenance and servicing of that equipment on top of the capital investment. The alternative is to use the services offered by рlаnt hire соmраnіеѕ. A heavy еԛuірmеnt hіrе рrоvіdеr оffеrѕ a wіdе range оf mасhіnеry аnd аttасhmеntѕ tо dо hundreds of tasks. Lіѕtеd below аrе the tуреѕ of hire equipment that are аvаіlаblе.


This is probably one of the best inventions of the 20th Century. You need a forklift if you are going to be lifting heavy crates, pallets, just about anything really. A definite necessaity in a warehouse or transport depot. Mast height and capacity are the two most important considerations. When you need an extra forklift or a replacement for a breakdown, try equipment hire.


Sometimes called a ‘digger’, this machine digs trenches, holes, and does a lot of earthmoving work in most conditions. It has a bucket to dig and the boom refers to its reach. The bucket size and shape is what you will be asking the plant hire guys about.

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Kitchen Designer

We often think DIY or doing it yourself to make or remodel your kitchen is cheaper. But more often than not, DIY kitchen design ends up costlier than hiring professionals who bring in their skills to make things work the smoothest way possible. Here are a couple reasons why hiring specialists from Kitchen Professionals works best:

Modern Kitchen

  1. Saving time

Hands off, you can depend on skilled professionals to know how kitchen equipment fits best with particular structural choices. Knowing which building materials or technologies are appropriate to your needs or cheaper can save you time figuring out what to do for your modern kitchen. Doing this by yourself will entail delays involving lots of tedious research.

  1. Benefit from expertise

Apart from making plans based on your specifications, kitchen design professionals can also give you an extensive array of resources and services that you might need for your modern kitchen. Based on your budget and requirements, a skilled professional can assist and guide you through the different phases of kitchen design, recommend appropriate materials and suppliers, and manage the actual construction and design.

Continue reading Why Hiring Kitchen Design Professionals is Better Than DIY?

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